Renewing your joy?

Based on Isaiah 55:10-13 from a weekend talk: with the video message here. Here are some of the key takeaways & some simple questions to reflect on…

In this life, did you find joy and did you bring joy?!

“There is a joy shortage!” says Tesco in its Christmas 2022 advertisement.

Joy is permanent and settled… because it is rooted in, and resourced by the very life of God! My working definition: joy is circumstance-defying gladness because of Jesus! Joy is revolutionary because it goes against the grain of this hurting & fragile world…

Galatians 4:15: “What has happened to your joy…”

Three reasons we might have a joy deficit:

  • Unsatisfied expectations: Philippians 4:12

  • Unresolved conflict: Hebrews 12:14-15

  • Unconfessed sin: Psalm 32:1-5

How can we set sail for a life full of joy? Four ways…

1 We set sail for joy by, rejoicing in the redemptive good­ness of God: Isaiah 55:10

Rain and snow… all of the normal. God breaking through in the ordinary. Seeing God in all things. This is not a giddy happiness, but a deep-rooted joy in the midst of trouble kind of experience because we have the goodness of God at the centre of all of life. Sue’s truth: “Happiness depends on happenings, joy depends on Jesus!”

Our dilemma is that we behave as though we are entitled to our comfort and ease. Our growth and flourishing is always found in the days of discomfort & seasons of struggle. In the cruelty of personal loss, I can profess that God has never been kinder, nearer & truer… I have learnt more in a year of hardship than in ten years of ease. In God nothing will be wasted…

My greatest sluggishness comes when I’ve looked at circumstances more than Christ!! The church is not about the church but the Christ it elevates, honours and adores…. Remember Jesus never asked Peter do you love the call… or do you love the church… ‘Jesus asked do you love me!’

2 We set sail for joy by, rejoicing in the Word of God: Isaiah 55:11
The word of God really matters. Word and spirit alive. Word and spirit enlivening us. Journaling helps me delve-deeply, mine-personally, treasure-substantially what Gods’ word by His spirit is saying…

In the Luke 6 version of the Beatitudes: behind the English notion of "blessed" is makarios. Makarios refers to joy that is not dependent on circumstances. Makarios is the joy, the bliss, the happiness, that is not dependent on outward circumstances. It is the peace that passes all understanding. It is the joy of the beatific vision, the joy of the saints.

I beg you not to let your life reality be affected by how you feel but the facts of what God says over you and what this means…. Your life is hid in Christ in God.

3 We set sail for joy by, rejoicing in growing in God: Isaiah 55:13

Bear fruit with a joyous heart! Grow in grace. Rejoice in life!

4 We set sail for joy by, rejoicing in community with God’s people!  “God removes the garment of our weeping and clothes us with joy.” Joy is best experienced in community. Joy seeks company…

Romans 14:17

‘I’ve never said no to the Lord!’ William Booth

Might you welcome a renewal of your joy in the Lord?

Questions for reflection…

  1. What strikes you from the bible passage & talk shared?

  2. What are the thieves of your joy?

  3. How can you post guards on your joy?

  4. What is your definition of joy?

  5. How might you and I ‘not say no to the Lord?’ How does this connect with your joy?

  6. Which of the four main ideas were you most helped by?

  7. What three things might you put into action because of this message?


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